About Us
Your Trusted Partner in Professional Security SolutionsYour Trusted Partner in Safety and Security
At ZSecurity Guard, we proudly offer security guard services across Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Florida, and many other locations. Our expertise spans High-Rise Office Buildings, Banks, Financial Institutions, Office Parks, Industrial Buildings and Facilities, Ship Yards, Auto-ports, Airports, Bus Terminals, Chemical Plants, Vacant Properties, Housing Projects, Residential and Commercial Properties, Retail Stores, and more. ZSecurity Guard is dedicated to delivering exceptional security services, and this commitment starts with our in-house and field teams located across the country. We recognize the vital role that a professional security team plays in the success and safety of your facility. That’s why we focus on employing high-caliber individuals who are intelligent, articulate, capable, clean-cut, well-groomed, and dedicated to their role. We continuously monitor and evaluate their performance to ensure our security teams uphold ZSecurity Guard’s rigorous standards, providing reliable and superior security services every time.
15+ Years
Of experience in business service
Projects Secured
Security Guards
Z Security Guard Services Locations
- Arizona
- Kentucky
- North Carolina
- Alaska
- Louisiana
- North Dakota
- Alabama
- Maryland
- Ohio
- Arkansas
- Maine
- Oklahoma
- California
- Massachusetts
- Oregon
- Colorado
- Michigan
- Pennsylvania
- Connecticut
- Minnesota
- Rhode Island
- Delaware
- Mississippi
- South Carolina
- Florida
- Missouri
- South Dakota
- Georgia
- Montana
- Tennessee
- Hawaii
- Nebraska
- Texas
- Idaho
- Nevada
- Utah
- Illinois
- New Hampshire
- Vermont
- Indiana
- New Jersey
- Virginia
- Iowa
- New Mexico
- Washington
- Kansas
- New York
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Let’s Partner for Your Safety!
Whether you need professional security guards for your business, event, or personal protection, or you’re looking for a rewarding career in the security industry, we’re here to help.
For Clients For Job Seekers